Saturday, September 10, 2011

My last couple of weeks.....

    It's been a couple weeks since I posted.. Here I go at an attempt to let you all know what I've been up to.

   I have been working hard at simplifying again. Getting unused things out of the apartment and making room for things more practical. Such as us, LOL.

I have so many things that I love to hold on to that have really no use other then it being pleasant to the eye and then there are the things I hold on to "in case I can use it someday" and then again, there are the things that I have that once belonged to a loved one who is no longer with us. I can't seem to let those last things go. Some of whom I've never met, they are from my husbands side of the family. I love my husband so much that I feel close to them through him and who am I to toss out his memories....

I've worked hard in finding places for those things, a place they will be of use and value in our daily lives. He has agreed that the only value in a few things are sentimental and has agreed to let me refinish some of them. (maybe more pics for my "trash to treasure" collection).
I will be working on that on a later date though. For now, I am still working on simplifying. Getting a few things out at a time so we don't wake up one morning and it feel so empty in here. 

Another thing I've been up to is, missing my mother in law. She has been so awesome to me through out my marriage. Day and night, I can't help thinking of all the time we could be spending with her. We like and enjoy a lot of the same things. Spending a lot of time with her in the near future is on my list of important things to do. I love and miss you mom and love and miss my mom as well.
Torn between seeing my children and grandchildren or seeing my mother in law on daily or weekly basis is really tearing at my heart strings.

We have our 25th wedding anniversary coming up and we want to go away. I believe that spending the time with my in-laws would be an awesome way to spend it. One can only pray, if it's meant to be then, it will be. I know our lord knows my desires and will do what's best for my in the end.

So, that has been my last couple of weeks....Lots of thinking and the end result being that nothing in this apartment is as important to me as my loved ones. Those who are not family but, treat me as though I am are also in my thoughts daily. I am very blessed to have those people in my life and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that they all know how much they mean to me.