Monday, April 4, 2011

This is my first day of blogging....

I have had many request to blog, So here I am. I am a mother of 4, grandmother to 8 wonderful children. I have been married for 24 years and would not want it any other way.
       My dream is to one day live a self sufficient life style in every way possible. I love to make do with what we have and I spend my days looking for ways to save a buck in our everyday living.
I love taking other folk's trash, fixing it up and finding a use for it. I am not interested in shiny new things, I like everything in my home to be of some use in one way or another. If someone comes into my home and is afraid to touch something or does not feel comfortable then, I am doing something wrong.
So, come in and put your feet up and together we can learn ways to make life a bit more simple and pleasant....My carbon foot prints will be few and my joys in life will be many.


  1. Great start!!! I LOVE PICTURES! Just sayin'! joie

  2. lookin good :)cant wait to read more

  3. lol @ Joie... anyway You all sound like us when it comes to not liking anything new! We're trying our best to find a "new" truck and we'd really like it to be primer gray lol =]
